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Privacy Policy

Who are we?

The personal data provided to us is controlled and protected by Akson Padjasek-Krysowski Spółka jawna, based in Świętochłowice (Akson).

Akson Padjasek-Krysowski General Partnership
ul. Polna 73, 41-600 Świętochłowice, Poland
REGON: 272434970 / NIP: 634 10 12 579 / KRS: 000535961

Where do we store your data?

We store the collected personal data on our servers located in Poland and they are not transferred outside this area or processed there. Each operation of transferring personal data is carried out in accordance with the applicable law.

Who has access to your data?

We never transfer your data, sell it or exchange it with other parties for marketing purposes. Data provided to third parties is used only to provide you with our services.

Why do we collect personal information?

We process personal data for the purpose of providing health services, fulfilling the order, manufacturing the product, processing payments, delivering goods and fulfilling the contract concluded with the customer. We need the personal data we collect to configure and/or customize the products we purchase, process the order, settle financing (e.g., NHF) and ship the goods. In addition, our customers receive an invoice or receipt from us. If you have questions about delivery, we use the phone number or email address provided to contact you.

What rights do you have?

Right of access to data:
At any time you have the right to request the correction of your personal data if it is incorrect, and to complete incomplete data – just contact us by letter (Akson’s registered address) or email(sekretariat@akson.pl)

The right to correct data:
At any time you have the right to request the correction of your personal data if they are incorrect, and to complete incomplete data – just contact us by letter (Akson’s registered address) or email(sekretariat@akson.pl).

The right to delete data:

You have the right to delete your data processed by Akson, except where we are required to store or process it under specific legislation. These include. situations:

  • unfinished proceedings with the Customer Service Department (e.g., a pending complaint),
  • When you used National Health Fund financing in your purchases,
  • The implementation of an order that has not yet been shipped or completed,
  • outstanding debt to Akson,
  • Your debt was sold to an outside company,
  • implementation of the credit application,
  • If you make any purchases, we keep your data for accounting purposes.

You may also request a copy of your data, or a copy to be forwarded to another data controller.

The right to restrict:

You have the right to request that Akson restrict the processing of your personal data under the following conditions:

  • if you do not agree to the processing of your data on the basis of Akson’s legitimate interest, then we will limit any processing of such data after verifying that such legitimate interest exists.
  • in the event that you report that your personal data is incorrect, Akson must limit any processing of the data until the accuracy of the data is verified.
  • if the processing of your data is unlawful, then you may not agree to the deletion of your personal data and instead request a restriction on the use of your personal data.
  • where Akson no longer needs your personal information, but it is required to report or dismiss a claim.

The right not to consent to data processing on the basis of Akson’s legitimate interest:

You have the right not to consent to the processing of your data on the basis of Akson’s legitimate interest. We will stop processing your personal data unless we can find a legitimate justification for doing so that overrides your interest or rights, or because of legal claims.

How long do we keep your personal information?

Non-financial data is kept for the warranty period applicable to the product purchased, which is a maximum of five years.

Financial data is kept for seven years, as required by Polish law.

What kind of personal information do we collect?

Customers buying/ordering our products, please provide your name, address, contact phone number or email address. In some cases, other data is required, such as height, weight, length of limbs, and information on disabilities or medical conditions. We may also need your bank account information to process your order (excluding contracted orders).

How can you exercise your rights?

You can make such a request by email, letter or telephone using the contact information provided in the “Who are we?” section.

What do we do with the data we receive?

We store the collected personal data on our servers located in Poland. We deliver products through third-party courier companies, to which we provide the customer’s name, address and phone number so that the package can be delivered.

We do not use the personal data received to make automated decisions that could affect you.

The personal data is transferred internally to our Human Resources Team. Sales Department, Customer Service Department, Accounting Department, and Service Department, in order to enable order processing and customer service. In the event that you express a desire to purchase on installments or to ship goods, the required data will be transferred to related parties (bank, courier company, manufacturer or distributor) with whom we cooperate on a contractual basis. At the same time, we assure you that we do not use your data for purposes other than those stipulated by law, we do not sell your data to any other entities, we process your data only to the extent that it is necessary and we take care of its security.

Data Protection Officer:

In order to ensure that your data will always be protected and processed in accordance with the law, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer, to contact him, please write to IOD@akson.pl and in the subject line of the message write “Contact about personal data”.

The right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority:

If you find that we are processing your personal data in an inappropriate manner, you can contact us by e-mail at: IOD@akson.pl, with“Personal Data Contact” in the subject line of the message.

You can also contact the supervisory authority: Office for the Protection of Personal Data via www.giodo.gov.pl or by writing to:

Office of Personal Data Protection
ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw

Updates to our privacy policy:

If it becomes necessary to change our privacy policy for Akson customers in the future, we will post an updated version on our website www.akson.pl.

This is a medical device. Use it in accordance with the instructions for use or the label.