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Hallux insoles transverse flatfoot hammer toe iOrto Medic Mazbit

Kod produktu: 27794

( March 11, 2025 : 0,00  )
Wysyłka już od:15,00 zł
Bezpłatna wysyłka od:300 zł
Dostępność: Niska dostępność
This is a medical device.
Use it in accordance with the instructions for use or the label.

Use of Hallux insoles:

  • clubfoot – Hallux Valgus
  • hammer toes, claw toes
  • transverse flatfoot.


  • Stabilization of the first metatarsal bone head and hallux valgus toe
  • support for hammer toes and claw toes
  • raising the transverse arch of the foot
  • dynamic support of the longitudinal arch of the foot
  • fibular muscle activation
  • heel stabilization
  • Cushioning – protection against micro-injuries to the joints of the foot.

In order to make the right choice of orthotics, you should examine your feet and consult a specialist. The shape of the insole is optimally adapted to the shape of the foot. Therefore, the shoes should be matched to the insoles, not the insoles to the shoes. The shoes into which you plan to put the insoles should be about 1 cm longer than the ones you usually use.



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This is a medical device. Use it in accordance with the instructions for use or the label.