My name is Arek and I turn 30 tomorrow. It’s not a bad time to think, but in my case it’s a time to figure out a new lifestyle for myself.
You may be wondering why I need such a change? All in all, I never wanted to change my life – I liked it so far. And that’s great! Cool job thanks to which I could afford a cool motorcycle. That’s right, motorcycle… Four months ago I had an accident and the motorcycle is no longer there, while there is a problem. Spinal injury at the Th/L level.
Do you think I have broken down? You’re right, I broke down, but it didn’t last long because, after all, I still have a nice job, plus the prospect of a cool new vehicle that will allow me to live, work and enjoy. It will be different, but I will do my best not to make it worse.
Ahead of me is the most important choice concerning the style of my further life – I have to choose a wheelchair!
Yesterday I met with Alan – a consultant from Akson, a wheelchair selection company. He questioned me in detail about my health, physical capabilities, mental aptitude and needs!
The interview was long and thorough, but that’s how we got to my priorities!
What should my stroller be like? It is to be active! This is the name of the type of wheelchair I need. It’s an interesting and motivating name because it makes me feel better.
After all, I see myself precisely as an active person!
This stroller of mine must be lightweight and easy to transport. It should be maneuverable and fast, so that driving to work is also fun.

It must have a very sturdy and rigid structure, after all, the streets in Warsaw are what they are, and I want to enjoy the ride – a rough ride.
It must also be useful for moving around the house, so it should have a low backrest, after all, I need to have freedom of movement – especially in the kitchen.
I also went through a long list of additional equipment – I have to think carefully about what to choose, because each additional item means more weight on the stroller. This is where I have to show reason.
After spending almost an entire night paging through catalogs, I prepared myself a narrow list of strollers divided into groups based on the design of the stroller.
Do you want to find out what I chose?
There you go, here’s my list of favorites:
- Stroller on a rigid frame, non-folding, for example, Sunrise Medical Krypton R – nice, but I have to have a folding….
- Strollers on a folding frame-for example, the Meyra Smart S-may…
- Open-frame stroller, for example, GTM 1 and Sunrise Medical Helium – I like the Helium.
- Closed-frame stroller, e.g. Sunrise Medical Life, Meyra ZX – I like the Meyra ZX.
- Sports carts-constructed for particular sports (basketball, fencing, etc.) are great, but competitive driving on the capital’s cobblestones is a different kind of sport.
Tomorrow Alan, my advisor from Akson, is coming to see me. He will measure me to match the stroller to my measurements. I checked myself in the catalogs to see how it would look. There are some parameters, so I have to be patient.
I expanded my knowledge with what will probably surprise Alan, and listed for myself the principles of selecting an active wheelchair.
They involve selecting and measuring the following parameters (always in a sitting position):
Seat width – the patient sits on a flat surface. If the measurement is performed on a wheelchair – always remove the cushion. On both sides of the hips should be set rigid stops, such as a book (I will prepare a set, which I will probably surprise Alan with). The distance is measured between them (in the center). Add approx. 2 cm, keeping winter clothing in mind. A well-chosen seat makes the stroller comfortable and easy to move.
Seat depth – measure the distance from the buttocks in the lower back to the popliteal fossa, subtract about 4 cm (2-3 fingers).
Leg length – measure the distance from the popliteal fossa to the heel. It is best to measure with shoes. The correct distance will allow the footrest to partially take the weight of the legs. The distance between the ground and the footrest must be at least 2-3 cm.
Front seat height – measure the vertical distance from the ground to the knee pit. The distance must not be less than the length of the legs (previous measurement). The measurement should take into account the height of the cushion.
Back seat height – is determined by the previous seat height, backrest angle and seat depth.
Backrest height – measure the vertical distance from the shoulder to the back edge of the seat. If more trunk stabilization is required then the backrest should be higher. Those with good trunk stability can lower the backrest for themselves. Decisions about the height of the backrest should be consulted with a doctor or physiotherapist.
This is probably all I could find out on my own. I’ll probably find out more tomorrow and see the sample strollers that Alan will bring to me.
I am looking forward to my new vehicle. I hope to be able to enjoy a leisurely ride no later than 4 weeks from now.
Oh, I still need to think about stylish wheels!